Where does "shabbat" come from and why is “shalom” so important? Getting to the root…

The words "shalom" and "shalem" mean “one, whole and indivisible”. The same root exists in the word "Yerushalayim". Another word with that root, "mushlam", means “perfect and complete”. Thus, God’s promise to give us shalom means that He will give us wholeness and perfection.

Yeshua is the Lord of shalom. He is perfect and integral to everything in our lives. There is no shalom without Him. We can enter into shalom and walk in shalom on the foundation of God's love. But, we also have to practice living in shalom and in difficult situations, we need to ask God to give us shalom; that condition of completeness and perfection without any deficiency or drawback (Numbers 6: 24-26; 2 Thessalonians 3:16; John 14:27).

The word "shabbat" derives from the word "lishbot" (cessation of activity). How should we treat Shabbat? The definition of Shabbat is very profound (Leviticus 23:3; Exodus 20:10; Deuteronomy 5:14; Luke 6:5). So, on Shabbat we have to stop, put aside all of our everyday work and have time for meeting with the Lord as well as for fellowship with family.

On Saturdays in Israel, many Jewish families turn off their TV sets and computers and devote the day completely to fellowship with God and loved ones.

The word "usher" which has a common root with the word "kiddush", means "the one who has not just everything he needs, but, the one who has with abundance". Hence, the tradition was established to fill a glass for "kiddush" so that the contents (wine or grape juice) overflow as a symbol of abundance given by the Lord to us. Shabbat is a good time to express our gratitude to God for this abundance and to glorify Him.

Rabbi Yevgeniy Afanasyev (Jerusalem)

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