What should we do if we feel too crowded among our brothers and sisters?

God is our dearest Friend who has an abundance of love. I guess many New Covenant believers, both Jewish and non-Jewish, are lacking this love and the sense of space that stems from this love. There are some wonderful people in congregations and churches who feel too crowded by their neighbors. It seems to them that other brothers and sisters are constantly getting in their way.

There is only one option, to let the love of God be revealed in our hearts, especially to “inconvenient” brothers and sisters. We need to let God lead us out of distress in our soul to a spacious place.

It can be done only by real love. And it is not just God's love to us, but the love we address to others after receiving it.

If we do not love our neighbors and do not approach those who do not want to approach us; if we do not let that New Covenant commandment of love to work in us or through us not only to those who love us, but also to those who are indifferent to us or even dislike us, how then will the Body of Messiah be restored? How then will the commandment of love and unity in God's family, by which everyone will eventually know that we are the Savior’s disciples, be fulfilled?

If the New Covenant family does not literally become the bonfire of God's love, and this love is not directed also toward Israel, which is still far away from us, how then shall Israel turn to the Lord and cry out to Him, "Baruch HaBa Beshem Adonai" ("Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord")?

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