We Сan`t Be Content with Substitutes for Love When the Real Love Is Nearby

One of the names of God is El-Shaddai which means God Almighty, strong God. It is said in Proverbs, “The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe”. The word “safe” in modern Russian means “protected”. Shaddai (Saddai) is the abbreviation from three words (Shomer, Dlatot and Israel) meaning the One who is protecting the doors of Israel.

God loves us with sacrificial love, protects us, and gives us all of what we dream because He is LOVE.  He is ALMIGHTY. He does not have unloved children who are deprived of His love. God`s family (congregation or church) is a place where this amazing Father`s love toward us is shown in a special way, where God makes us strong and happy.

Eternal and permanent love of God to Israel is the evidence of His eternal and permanent love to us, to His children (Jeremiah 31:1-4, 17-20). God wants to be with us forever; He wants to show us His love everywhere and always, to embrace us, and we shouldn’t limit the filling-up of God`s love from Shabbat to Shabbat. We can go into His presence all week long.

Even when it seemed to us that God was so far away, that He loves us only from afar; when we thought, that He didn`t care about our grieves, God continues to love, to call, to wait for all His children (even those who have temporarily fallen away from Him). He provides everything for His son/daughter who has fallen away to return. God answers everyone and loves everyone as if he/she were the only favorite and beloved child.

Now is the time for such communication and trust with God unlike it has ever been before. Understand that we can`t live in this world without His love. We won’t be successful in anything without Him (only in something and somewhere). We need to open ourselves toward the fullness of Father`s heart, fullness of real love and fullness of life. We can`t be content with the substitutes of this world when we have such a loving God. When we begin to open more for God`s love, we begin to understand how powerful and almighty it is. When we begin to believe in God`s love to us, then our life is constantly in God`s presence. Our faith becomes stronger because our faith works by love.

Open yourself for the action of the Holy Spirit so that He shows you where you still hide from God`s love and are afraid to be disappointed. Go deeper into what the Lord says in His Word during Shabbats and prayer meetings of the congregation. Remind each other and yourself that God is always nearby, that He is the One who is love. He is the One who always thinks about us with love (even when we fall away from Him, have no special achievements and great breakthroughs). Go on to remember the best in your life and give thanks to Father that He worked and was at those moments with you.

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