Two Purims

Purim is a feast that vividly reveals an image of our Savior. Actually, the events described in the book of Esther can be considered as two Purims.

The first feast took place in the month of Sivan when a new decree of the king was issued. Because of this feast, God's people have given the power and right to arm themselves and take a stand against those who wanted to destroy them.

In fact, at that time, nothing was changed outwardly. However, the victory had already been gained on God's level. God's people rejoiced, exalted and triumphed, realizing that God had already done everything. The second, final Purim took place in the month of Adar when the Jewish problem was supposed to be finally solved.

Similarly, our final Purim has not yet occurred (the curse of Adam and Eve persists), but God has made a New Covenant with the House of Israel and the House of Judah which is a great and eternal Covenant. Although the final revealing of the glory of the New Covenant will take place when Yeshua the Messiah returns in glory, even now it is already revealed at the heart-level in the inner man who is connected to God.

Everyone who submits himself to a new decree of the King of kings enters the number of God’s people and receives the incomparable spiritual authority to defeat those who want to destroy them. Every believer of the New Covenant already reigns over this world in the Spirit.

Therefore, we should not consider ourselves lower than Haman; we must consider ourselves above him because the Lord has already defeated Satan forever. Although Satan is still the prince of this world, we can celebrate our Purim, our entire life triumphing joyfully and knowing that God has already performed everything. Then those who surround us will become New Covenant believers, not only out of fear of God but because of His great love.

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