The Lord has called us to be His messengers...

The Lord has called us to be His messengers who share the good news with people; first with the lost sheep of Israel (Matthew 10:6).

He gave us an assignment to proclaim and spread the Kingdom of God on earth (Matthew 10:7). He gave us power and the gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12) for our ministry and for us to fulfill His Great Commission. He gave us the example of His disciples to follow. We are promised that God's victory will be revealed through us in the healing of the sick, casting out of demons and raising of the dead. But the Lord warns us that we may also experience trials while going God's way. We want to follow the Lord, yet do not want to face difficulties, tough situations and rejection. To get out of this paradox into God's victory, it is important to:

• Remember that God's grace is sufficient (2 Corinthians 9:8) for us to come out of any situation as winners. We need to see ourselves as a new creation; to live, believe and serve in a new way!

• Remember that the messenger presents not himself, but rather the One who sent him. We are called to be witnesses of Yeshua; to share with people who do not yet know Him, to talk about what He did on the cross at Calvary and to share what God is doing now (Acts 1:8; 1Timothy 6:12).

• Not remain hostages of our problems and defeats; to not focus on past failures and offences, to not worry that we are not accepted or feel rejection and to not give place to bitterness, but instead rejoice for what the Lord has prepared for us (1 Peter 1:5-7).

• Not accept the image of a looser that the enemy is trying to impose on us. Problems, failures and defeats are not part of us. Our fears and the grief of our failures are the strongest weapon of the enemy. Therefore, when the enemy is trying to impose something on our way of thinking, it is necessary to act against it. If we focus on our past challenges, the sum of our defeats can block the movement of God in our lives and ministries. But, if we die to ourselves and decide to take risks for the sake of God and the salvation of the people’s souls, the kingdom of God will be revealed in us and through us.

• Learn lessons from the past instead of letting the past control our life and influence our future. We must break any connection from previous defeats (Matthew 10:14, 6:11; Luke 9: 5, 10:11; Acts 13:51).

• Not live as a victim. We have no reason to believe that God is powerless in our problems, but it is ourselves who are responsible for the way out of our problems.

• Minister one another (1 Peter 4:10). When we do this, we ascend spiritually and reveal God's victory in our lives.

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