The enemies of God's shalom (part 2)

Enemy No.4: Mood as an idol.
Mood can become an idol in our lives if we always try to maintain a good mood. That said, we must also stop living for our good mood or falling for mood swings.  

Enemy No.5: Fear of letting things we have go in God’s hands

Areas in our lives where we are actually afraid of trusting the Lord may be exposed to the enemy’s invasion.  These areas of our lives where there are fears will fall out of God's shalom. It is important to remember that all that is ours belongs to God and that shalom is a wholeness and fullness of God's authority, God’s cover and God's acceptance of all our lives. We need to give Him everything.

Only things which can help people are God's blessing.

Some people only believe in their own personal spiritual experiences.  They are very skeptical about the testimonies of others. If something similar did not happen to them personally, it is difficult for them to believe in the reality of spiritual experiences of others.  They may think that other people exaggerate details when testifying about God's miracles, or, even think that what the other person saw, was not actually there.  And then there are others who do not feel worthy and accepted by God themselves. They do not believe that God's Spirit can visit them as well as their brothers and sisters. Therefore, disbelief and doubts can restrict our acceptance of the reality of supernatural activity of the Holy Spirit. To free ourselves of these restrictions, it is important for us to:

  • Understand that God loves all His children equally. He loves us just the way we are. He does not show favoritism (Acts 10:34);
  • Believe that God loves us each personally;
  • Realize and believe that He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine (Ephesians 3: 20).
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