Shalom as God’s Wholeness and Fullness

Adonai Shalom is one of God’s names; this means that He is our Shalom. Beyond this, the word “shalom” itself has many meanings including: fullness and wholeness.

One of the promises of the New Covenant speaks about the time when God Himself will become our fullness, shalom and wholeness (Micah 5:5; Jeremiah 31:31-34). If we realize and strive for that, it will be easy to reach the goal God sets before us.

Many people in this world have certain goals and cut corners to achieve them.  But, not all of our goals are the right ones.  Some of them may be imposed by Satan, this world, or even by our own selfishness. Our main goal is God Himself. That is why we should have personal relationship with Him and come to know Him with God’s family. The words “to know” in Hebrew and Greek translate to “complete connection and unity with God”.  We have to strive for this.

If our goal is not set on God, or if we do not have Him as an ultimate goal in our life at all, our life will be incomplete. Focus on ungodly goals (even if they are not sinful) will bring spiritual division, separation, duality and discomfort into our life and these aims will tear us apart. The problem many believers have (even sincere ones) is that they keep living a life separated from God. As a result, they do not have peace, they are disturbed by the past, there is no joy in their lives and they do not feel that they are ready to do what God calls them to do.

It is important to live in Shabbat and spread Shabbat to all of the days of the week. God intended the 7th day of the week for us to be completely separated from all our deeds for Him, to dedicate this day to Him, to the fellowship with Him and to stay in His rest. God has already given us His shalom; it is already inside of every one of us. God wants us to learn to separate ourselves for Him and to learn how to stay in Shabbat and spread his Shabbat to all of the other days. When we enter God’s wholeness and fullness, many of our problems will crack, and Satan, who imposes division and feeling of guilt upon us, will be disgraced and have no place in our life. The Lord has already prepared everything for our victory and He is mighty to perform much more than we dare ask or think.  But, He will not perform it without us. That is why it is important for us to:

  • No matter what we are doing, to do it with the Lord; to strive for uniting with Him in one and to be whole in Him.
  • Not worry if we have not done all the necessary things that we planned throughout the week until Saturday. Instead, we should temporarily turn our backs on everything to step out of our daily routine, respond God’s calling to separate ourselves for encounter with Him and dip into Shabbat as if everything is already done.
  • Be awake and to drive out everything (alien thoughts, vanity, worries, concerns about unresolved issues, etc.) that draws us away from what is most important in our life – Him!  If we give way to these other things, we should not suffer from feelings of guilt, but instead we should stop and then continue with prayer, studying the Scripture etc.
  • Be content with everything (including our own ministry). Real shalom will come when we think of our present ministry as the most important and dear one; when the smallest task from the Lord we do as the best one.  When we faithfully perform what God has entrusted us to and bring it to a final result, He will entrust us with more.
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