It's the New Year again or what should we know about the month of Nisan?

Did you know that the New Year will begin soon? Yes, the month of Nisan begins on March 14, 2021. “This month shall be your beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year to you. (Exodus 12: 2). Nisan is the first month of the Jewish biblical calendar.

It is called the head of all months (Chodesh Ha-Chodashim, as the date from which months and festivals are counted) or royal month (Chodesh ha-Melech - the reign of a Jewish king was always counted from the first of Nisan). In the Torah, it is called the month of Aviv or the month of spring. The word "Nisan'' and the spring are closely related since it has the same root as “nitsan” - "bud" or "flower" - as we find it in the Scriptures: “The flowers (nitsanim) appear on the earth;” (Song of Solomon 2:12).

Some very significant events took place in the history of the Jewish people in the month of Nisan, namely, the exodus out of Egypt and the resurrection of Yeshua. That is why this month is called the first one - so we would remember those events and count the months of the year from them.

Starting with Nisan 1st, we begin to prepare for the Passover celebration. Nowadays, we do not make the three main pilgrimages to Jerusalem but we should prepare our hearts for the spiritual ascension and the Passover celebration.

Traditionally, the Song of Songs book (Shir HaShirim) is read this month.

A very interesting fact may be found in the Talmud, in the Rosh Hashana tractate, it says that “in Nisan in the future, the Jewish people will be redeemed in the final redemption. "

Didn't exactly that happen in Nisan through the Passover sacrifice of Yeshua?

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