How can believers avoid distorted attitudes towards Israel and distortions in the Jewish ministry?

Is there a danger of «too much» love Israel and the Jewish people in the context of the Jewish ministry? How can believers avoid distorted attitudes toward Israel and distortions in the Jewish ministry? The Senior Rabbi of KJMC Boris Grisenko comments:

«In any new business, especially in the restoration of the biblical attitude towards the Jewish people, which, in effect, has not been for many centuries, there will always be extremes. We cannot avoid that.

Let me give you a small example: in the third year of our congregation's life, I met with a bishop in Kiev. There were two other bishops sitting there. They showed me some Jewish-Christian magazine and there really was a couple of articles with obvious extremes and distortions.

These bishops started saying to me: «What are you doing ?! What are you doing in your congregation?» I listened to them and said: «Are you sure that everything about the Jewish issue and its relationship with Christians comes from the same source? You were all Pentecostal ministers then all of you joined the renewed movement of believers. And then all of you were accused of being led from one center and being responsible for any distortions. Is there no distortion in the charismatic ministry? The answer: «As much as you want.» I say: «So what are you doing?!» They started smiling back...

It is important to understand that the Jewish Messianic movement is a new thing (especially in the Russian-speaking world) and many are wary of it. But the most extreme understandings appeared in the English-speaking world. It is clear that when people surf the Internet and see a lot of translations of different movements, blogs and everyone can find a wide range of information on the Jewish topic. There is, of course, heresies, exaggerations, blatant lies, deviations from a balanced biblical way. But at the same time, this is an inevitable cost of the initial phase of restoration.

Everything that is being done in this area, everything that is being said must be checked by us according to the Bible, first of all, according to the New Testament. It gives all of the answers to the question of how to treat the Jewish people and Israel properly and to avoid various distortions.»

© Boris Grisenko // from the interview with Sergey Demidovich

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