Facts About Passover

Passover is one of the most important holidays on the Jewish calendar. The Passover 2021 begins March 27 and ends on April 4.  Here are the most important and interesting facts about Passover you should know.

  1. The Exodus took place in 2448 according to the Jewish calendar (1313 BC). That means that this year we are celebrating the 3333rd anniversary of the Exodus!
  2. We remember the Exodus every Shabbat!
  3. To make a Matzo take just 18 minutes!
  4. Pharaoh released the Jews only after the 10th plague!
  5. Moses was 80 years old when he brought the Jews out of Egypt
  6. The name of the holiday "Pesach" is translated as "pass over", meaning to skip," or "omit".
  7. Many Egyptians and the representatives of other nations came out of Egypt together with the Jews
  8. The Passover meal is called "Seder"
  9. At Passover Seder, Yeshua washed the feet of His disciples as an example of servant-leadership and ministry.
  10. The Last Supper was celebrated as Jewish Passover Seder by Yeshua and his 12 disciples.
  11. Before the Passover, the house should be cleaned thoroughly and searched for chametz (yeast or leavening), or for any possible remnant of it. This symbolizes that we must search our hearts for all "leavened" things in our lives and prepare ourselves for the holiday.
  12. Passover is the first holiday among the Torah holidays.
  13. One of the most important holiday ideas is a personal experience of the celebration and involvement in it.
  14. Yeshua became our Passover Lamb! He died and rose from the dead on Passover! Through His sacrifice, He opened the opportunity to make a personal spiritual Exodus for everyone!
  15. Passover Seder ends with a traditional saying "Next year in Jerusalem!"
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