Does God celebrate Shabbat?

It is felt that as God has entered Shabbat after creating the world, He has not come out of it since then. I am sharing the same view. There is a number of biblical reasons for this view. Thus! God enjoys Shabbat because in the time when He ended the creation nothing became faulty. Only Adam and Eve fell because of desired fruit and their trust to one who had never enjoyed Shabbat. Who is this who has never been in Shabbat?

The serpent, Satan, the enemy of humankind, sly, aka devil, aka, aka ... As a hardened criminal, he has many different names and all these names are bad. And look, the devil tries to imitate God but it always turns out a parody. That is because the devil has never been in Shabbat. He merely cannot be in Shabbat because all his existence is a mixture of pride, envy, terrible malice, slyness and infinite attempts to damage God's creation.

Do you think it frightens God? No, it doesn't, because God stays in Shabbat despite all attempts of Satan, his host and those who are submitting to them, to spoil God's mood. The Lord keeps on enjoying Shabbat. God doesn't have Mondays and Black Fridays. He is absolutely not a superstitious God :-)

And what is important that He doesn't enjoy Shabbat alone but He proclaimed and announced Shabbat throughout the Universe! All people and each and every one of us has been called to have rest relying upon God's love, wisdom and protection.

© Boris Grisenko,  winter  prayer retreat of KJMC, 2017

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